It’s no secret that Hollywood celebrities, particularly women, feel pressure to maintain a youthful appearance. We often hear about the latest beauty procedures and lifestyle choices made by celebrities to maintain their youth.
However, some people, like Justine Bateman, who recently discussed her decision to forego plastic surgery in spite of social pressure, prefer to gracefully embrace their age and natural appearance.
Actress, director, and author Justine Bateman is most recognized for her portrayal of Mallory in the 1980s comedy Family Ties. She also starred in Men Behaving Badly and appeared in recurrent episodes of Desperate Housewives and Still Standing. This individual is Jason Bateman’s older sister.
She said, “I just don’t give a s—,” to 60 Minutes Australia. “I like my appearance.” I believe my face conveys my personality. “I enjoy it.”
“I wish I could erase the idea that I am a different person now than I was twenty years ago, in addition to all the power I currently possess.” When I look in the mirror, I prefer to see that evidence.
The current age of Justine Bateman is 57. She has been advised to seek plastic surgery, like many actors her age, but she has decided to stay the same and embrace her age instead.
People made nasty remarks about Bateman’s appearance when she was forty years old, claiming that her aged face resembled that of a “sea hag” and a “meth addict.” She believed that in order to look better, she needed Botox or surgery.
She said to People in 2021, “I thought my face looked fine.” “I then decided to disprove myself and prove them correct because I was afraid of things that had nothing to do with my face.” I was so embarrassed by my face that I felt awful.
However, Bateman ultimately decided to disregard the criticism of her appearance and embrace the fact that she was aging organically. “Changing your face won’t get rid of that fear,” she informed him.
“Get plastic surgery, and you’ll look different.” All right. You’ll receive that, but the fear hasn’t been addressed yet. That terror is here to stay. I think the purpose of all this cosmetic surgery is to appease other people.
The actress, who discussed this subject in her book Face: One Square Foot of Skin, expressed her sadness for women who are preoccupied with plastic surgery and expressed her wish that they can embrace their inherent beauty.
“It makes me sad that they’re not just enjoying life,” she said on 60 Minutes. “I feel horrible that they are diverting their focus from what they should be doing by believing that they must fix their face before anything else can happen.”
Justine Bateman appears to be really attractive. Individuals shouldn’t feel pressured to alter their appearance. For urging more women to let their bodies to age naturally, we are grateful to Justine Bateman.