Very few people manage to avoid being bitten by insects. This issue becomes even more pressing in summer. Sometimes it’s quite hard to identify what exactly bit you. The bite might hurt, itch, or even swell.
There are many different insects, and they all transmit different diseases, so it’s very important to correctly identify what bit you.
But don’t panic! We have created a little guide that will help you identify which insect attacked you.
The area that was stung by a hornet becomes red and seriously swollen.
Blisters might appear.
The victim feels very bad pain, even worse than the pain from a wasp sting.
The hornet’s poison is even more toxic because the insect itself is bigger in size.
The poison contains histamine and acetylcholine.
If the victim feels cold in the limbs, his or her ears and lips go blue, or breathing problems start, the victim must see a doctor.
You need to remove the sting that might still be in the attacked spot.
The skin usually gets red and swollen. A person feels burning, a sharp pain, and a severe itch appears a little later.
If you are not allergic, this is where your troubles end.
However, if a person is allergic to bee poison, he or she might have breathing problems, which is a serious concern.
The symptoms of a wasp sting are like those after a bee attack.
The stung area becomes red and swollen, the victim feels pain and burning, and terrible itching comes later.
There might even be a hemorrhage on the skin. A wasp can sting multiple times.
Just like with a bee attack, it’s very important to know if you are allergic as there may be an anaphylactic shock.